after 3.5 years being known as the orgasmic hamster, it is time for me to move on.
this blog has seen me morph from a whiney then-waitress cum student to a still-whiney fresh-corporate-slave writer.
it has also seen me dump/getting dumped by various forms of the opposite sex. thank god it's usually the former.. =D
after getting tomorrow-ed a couple of times, my audience increased exponentially and some of them became my friends. and one them (divine intervention, no doubt), a lover.
despite a modest readership clocking in the few hundreds, i have been recognised on a few occasions, a rather embarrassing situation if you ask me but quite flattering nonetheless!
going through my old blogs (yes i have TWO other prior blogs. amazing!), i can shamelessly declare i am one of the longest surviving local bloggers around, considering i have been consistently blogging since 2002.
i'm moving to a new blog address, with an entirely new (but most probably still hamster related.. haha!) moniker.
dear readers, do email me at
banana_hamster @ hot mail . com if you're still interested in the chronicles of the world's only specimen of the homo hamsterus (human hamster) species.
it has been a good 3.5 years!!!! KISSES!
the ex orgasmic hamsterfiona chen xinyi