america , are you listening?
i've never like to be political , but the recent spate of events has caused me much discomfort . of course you know i'm referring to that Al-Qaeda video that has some american guy getting beheaded on video. The pain must have been excruciating.I really symphatise with his parents.. i mean.. imagine seeing the video of your child losing his life ! I've never condone the acts of war given the thumbs up by Bush , lifes lost just to track down one stupid man. But neither have i condone the acts by the terrorists . And what the fuck , worst of all , they're doing the ultimate sin of taking the lifes of others , and whats more , they even dare to proclaim it all as God's will , clearly too evident in the beheading video where one of the Al-qaeda men shout out 'God is greatest!' before killing him. Thats stupid. They're using God's name for all the wrong reasons. No amount of pleading , not even whole lifetime of doing good deeds to repent for the evils they have done will suffice. Nothing will lead him to salvation.
Wow. i can't believe i sound so dignified in this post.