shit is on the ceiling fan !
Thats the most apt expression i can use to describe the situation i am in right now.
My "fun night out" has all come to a nought as plans clash into each other and worst still , i just realised my pay check hasn't been deposited into my account which makes my a BANKRUPT now.
Fuggin' balls.
What was initially set to be a girl's night out with GGYY and Shelly was dashed at the last minute because "GGYY's parents didn't allow her to go out"
Go on , dunk my head into a bucket of fresh steamin' cow dung.
And now what ? I really don't feel like tagging along with Ian and Co or HH and Co to Zouk.
I hate Zouk. Its so fugging packed.
And there's no free drinks !
How am i going to go clubbing anyway when i'm reduced to a few cents in my pocket ???
I can only cross my fingers now.