linked !
Links are up after such a loooooong time because i simply suck at HTML .
Tag me if ya wanna be linked ! =)
Of course , feel free to link me on your webby as well.
I can hardly believe that its finally raining here at Tampines after such a long dry spell.
The grass certainly look parched.
Yesterday i had encounters with customers of the rudest kind.
A queue isn't there for show , Sir . So fuck off if you don't wanna wait in line because waving madly at me with an irate expression while bellowing "Hello ! Hello" countless times will not get you my attention in any way.
You're just portraying yourself as an imbecile obviously lacking in manners.
Its almost 11am , and i'm heading back to my bed for a nap since my time's gonna be split between my project and working in the evening later.
My weekend burnt . Damn.
listening to : the killers - mr brightside