a photoblog
In China , you get ..
.. cafes with super funky names without a meaning whatsoever.
... Mineral water that promises to pack a laughter.
.. Infrastructures made from assorted bits of a bull. And yes , this is a government-owned building. Who would have thought ?
.. incredibly photogenic goats..
.. which seemed to smiled at the camera with an almost saucy grin ( how bizarre ) .
.. Booby traps filled with shit and mucus and yes this is the exact hole which i fell into 8 years ago ( i swear this is the one for the villagers still remember me )
.. a happy kid with a "san mao" hairdo..
.. and a deliberate hole in his pants ! To facilitate shitting , apparently.
.. Items which you thought only existed as props in retro movies.
.. Respite after a hard day's work in the fields.
.. Walkways so narrow , they're a source of inspiration to the obese.
.. Lush green fields you'll never get to see in Singapore.
.. Incense sticks the thickness of a finger and retarded looking tourists ( yes , its me. )
.. Surreal-looking candles.
.. The "I-like-my-ankles-toasty-warm" look so favoured by Chinese men.
.. Babies ( with the "san-mao" hairdo , ever so popular with Chinese parents ) so cute that you feel like having sex immediately so that you can conceive one as well.
.. Very cheem words that would take another 10 years of education to comphrehend.
.. Communal kitchens , old-school style.
.. More words that leaves me confused. I think it means "xie ge" but what does that mean ?
.. More happy camera-shy rural kids.
.. Eerie metal gates . How very victorian.