my friday night was spent yelling my lungs off with k at the flow show ( HIP HOP AIIGHT ! hahaha ) at the esplanade waterfront. it was all good , at least i didn't spend my friday curled under the sheets and lamenting about my non-existent social life.
a few days ago outdid myself and upheld justice in my endearing little ways. now , i'm all for technology but too much of it makes me sick and wanting for a technology-free world , where we all can be nomads herding cattle , drink non-pasteurised milk and make love all night long in cattle-skin tents.
okay as i was saying , too much of technology is a bad thing. have you noticed the trend of setting mp3 music for ringtones nowadays ? i'm totally okay with it , but more often than not the music of choice is something that the person likes and so whenever he gets a message , instead of viewing it immediately , he allows the music to continue until he reaches auralgasm.
poor us , the non-people in his surroundings.
now this isn't SO bad. i've also noticed to my dismay groups of youngsters huddled in groups on public transportions and blasting music from the speakers of their phone , successfully incurring the wrath of the rest of the passengers.
so a few days ago , i boarded the school-bound train at an unearthly hour of about 6 as i had to prepare for a presentation with my project mates. the darling ipod was flat again despite having fully charged it only about two days before. with nothing else to do i lulled myself into sleep....
only to be awaken by the jarring voice of sean paul asking me to shake my booty at 6am in the morning. a group of malay students had sprouted in the adjacent seats and were enjoying themselves much to the chagrin of me and another lone passenger.
the ruckus went on for about ten minutes and the dirty looks from us apparently went ignored. i've never been one to cause trouble but i took a deep breath , put on my friendliest smile and said
"i'm sorry but i'm afraid you're disturbin everybody in this cabin"
for a moment i thought i was goin to get walloped but the group burst into laughter and started shoving and mock blamimg each other. they alighted at the next station. phew.
i was going to touch on another topic but i forgot what. time to head out anyway , have a good sunday y'all
listenin to : deathcab for cutie - brothers on a hotel bed