orgasmic hamsters

orgasmic hamsters






Monday, May 22, 2006


i hate technology.

suddenly , photos seem to have lost its value with the onset of digital cameras.

suddenly , communication feels so tedious.

suddenly , privacy is being compromised. you can't scratch your nose without wondering if somewhere , somehow , some security guard is peering at you through a surveillance video.

suddenly , life feels so digitalised. robotised.

do we really need to decode the human DNA ? would it really mark the end of disease or would it signal the beginning of a man-made apocalypse propelled by abuse of the genome ?

do we really need to find the elixir to halt aging ? if so , would it pose entirely new problems of overcrowding , overemployment and other social issues related to age since birth rates would displace mortality rates? would retirement be pushed forward to 90 ? 100 ?

why are we spending billions for incessant research instead of dealing with real-time problems like famine ?

do we really want to find out what goes beyond yonder ? what if space is indeed infinite ?

do we really need lifts to stop at every damn floor ? are we really being considerate to the elderly and the disabled or are just morphing into a nation of self-convenience ? i think singapore is the only country with politicians promising new lifts as a bait to lure voters when more pressing issues like tax and democracy are what matters most in other countries. we're nothing but a joke don't you think ?

do we really need new expressways and flyovers and new MRT lines ? how did people travel before that ?

and most importantly

are we happier than before all these gadgets and technology monopolised our lifes ?


the writer








shawn kuku


spirit fingers









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