something like it
it amuses me to see a 6 foot tall man being reduced to nothing more than a disarmed oversized infant.
the last sentence i heard him utter before he succumbed completely to the sandman was "mmm , spoon" , the spoon referring to of course the sleeping position so popularly adopted by couples.
but i'm not a big fan of "couple" sleeping positions , because they restrict my movements and it isn't exactly comfortable to have a heavy hairy arm across your waist.
yes , it was all cuddly and sweet and endearing for the first 30 minutes , to feel someone's breath warming your neck , to feel wanted. then the numbness sets in because you're unable to move for fear of waking up your partner.
making sure mark was fast asleep ( about 90 agonising minutes later ) , i slowly lifted his arm ( a very delicate maneuver that requires precise movements ) and breathed a sigh of relief before creeping out of bed and admiring him for a few moments ( i really dig the sight of men looking vulnerable haha ) . because he was occupying more than HALF of my pillow and bed space , i hopped over to the other side where i thought i could finally retire in peace.
har har. right.
a few minutes later he apparently discovered the absence of his warm human bolster and i don't know if it was a spontaneous reaction or he woke up momentarily because the next thing i knew my shoulder was cradling his chin and very heavy hand was curled around me , and i was falling off the bed again because he was unknowingly pushing me towards the edge by deserting his pillow for mine.
and was that a satisfied grin i spy on his face !?!
mark's a surprisingly quiet sleeper and to my dismay , a sedentary one as well. i was wide awake the entire time save for the few pockets of sleep i managed and when i did finally manage to coax myself to sleep he was already up and nuzzling me awake with his scratchy stubbled kisses.
i appreciated my boy with his taut freckled back turned to me as he slapped on the shaving cream and looking very much retarded while grinning through the white fluffiness. and for laughing at him , i got shaving cream all over me as well. heh.
i am perfectly happy for now , i don't know how long this relationship is going to last and despite the major differences in age , lifestyle and even habits , i shall take a relaxed stance and enjoy whatever's coming my way =)
and yes he is very very very cute , has gorgeous eyes with long curly lashes and is probably even more obssessed with neatness than me. perfecto.
auralgasm : dishwalla - candleburn