excuse my french
i will support just about any team who plays against portugal. fucking whiny portuguese actors, all of them.
yeah, i am still sore over the england/portugal match.
speaking of france, c.r.a.z.y ( i think it ended its run in theatres here already ) is one helluva film !! its an excellent coming-of-age french movie about a closet homosexual boy.
because of the film ( and one spanish boy i've gotten to know through mark ) , i now am completely besotted with men with dark hair and green eyes.
yeah, the exotic looking ones. think kaka ( brazil ) and fernando torres ( spain ) !
two photos :
the unlikely terrorist. be afraid. be very afraid.
dani's cat, aptly named Pussy ( no i am NOT kidding ). awfully photogenic feline but i'm afraid this kitty here has some mental issues. it apparently chases phantom objects around, snarls at dogs 5 times her size and thinks all human legs are enemies, because the only thing she does when in close contact with legs is to unveil the claws in her tiny paws.
she is definitely one fiery pussy !
and i think my hamsters hate me , because all they do is lie around and laze the whole damn day away but the moment my head touches the pillow, they start running on the noise-inducing wheel as if on cue. damnation !
okay,back to the match. and i have a lecture at 9am later. O GOD PLEASE LET ME SURVIVE THE DAY !
may portugal lose, and may christiano ronaldo get stomped on the nuts.