alot of random snippets
will be exclusively wasting time from now on as i've landed myself another writing job, which will probably commence next week.
i've always been quite the unqualified two-bit gourmet, i like my food and i am picky about what goes into my mouth (in more ways than one... :p). apart from ginger that somehow always ends up chewed before the unfortunate discovery, i just about like everything else.
so i tried making meringue kisses today. meringue is actually just whipped egg whites and sugar, baked into a melt-in-your-mouth crisp cookie.
the procedure is simple enough. heat oven, whisk egg white and sugar till soft peaks form, throw it into the oven.
i really CANNOT imagine what the fuck went wrong as my egg whites were lovely tufts of virginial white fluffs, all satiny and glossy.
but barely two minutes after its entry into the oven..

*tears hair out*
i'll be honest and admit that i've never been the culinary maestro. somehow everytime i try to whip up a batch of something, it'll inevitably end up burnt or liquified or spread out into one flat mass, or even better: liquified, burnt at corners AND looking like an unidentified unsavoury flat mass.
i do much better with cooking, at least my rice turns out palatable.
i love merigues. i love lemon meringue pies. i love how it crumbles in between your lips and then melting away into sugary hints moments later.
baking disaster aside (but i'll be back tomorrow), my tim-tam obsession hit its peak just now.
as of now i've already devoured three packets of tim-tams since my orgasmic dream on friday night.
my favourite way to eat it is to do the tim-tam slam. extremely gimmicky, since it's no different from dunking it into milk but so bloody fun to do!!!
firstly, you bite two dainty corners off from your beautiful tim-tam.

i apologise for the shitty quality. im getting a new camera soon. but just look at the gorgeous layer of butter cream sandwiched between the airy malt biscuit covered in ooh-la-la chocolate with generous hints of caramel.
EVEN GODIVA DOESN'T COME CLOSE! (okay, maybe with exception of the Godiva chocolate ice blended drinks)
and then, you dip one end of the tim-tam into cold milk and you SUCK. like this.

don't suck like you're trying to suck out solidified semen from an ancient cock, as i did with my virgin tim-tam slam experience. all i got was a rush of biscuit crumbs up my nose and throat which choked me.
suck slowly. the hollow spaces between the biscuit acts like a straw so if you do it correctly, you'll be able to suck up a considerable amount of milk before it starts to disintegrate and THIS IS THE MOMENT WHERE YOU STUFF THE ENTIRE THING INTO YOUR MOUTH.
then, sit back and enjoy the glorious moment when the smorgasbord of wonderful flavours come together.
i'm not exaggerating.
it's quite tedious to repeat it for the entire packet of tim-tams but i loved every moment of it. alternatively of course you can just dunk it in milk but it's just not quite the same. for christ sake's don't treat it like an oreo! that's... sacrilegous.
i know you guys are dying to know about my love life (yes, all three of you). nothing much happening. i spent the entire night in his arms on saturday night. utterly sweet beyond words, but it never felt more wrong.
spent most the time awake not because i was consumed by thoughts or feeling deliriously happy/achingly sad but because he had cornered me so much that i only had probably 20% of the bed to myself. he'd roll over after i complained, only to roll back to my side of the bed, hand across my chest, clutching my shoulder tightly and breathing down my neck.
every little movement i made, only caused him to tighten his hold on me, as if he was afraid to lose me. yeah, i wish.
i wonder why i am doing so much self-destruction to myself. hmmm.
i've been listening alot to placebo recently. god, they are really geniuses. i am particularly in love with protege moi, every you every me and pure morning.
somehow, smoking while listening to them gives me this sudden awareness. of what? of nothing in particular, but i appreciate how it inspires me to write.
and as if to mirror my eclectic personality, i have been humming non stop to paris hilton's nothing in this world. LOL.
da-da, da da ta la la.
dunno lah, very catchy you know? i like the MTV too. cheesy! but i like.
taking up french lessons soon. and then i'll be able to belt out protege moi like a pro!!
C'est le malaise du moment
L'épidémie qui s'étend
La fête est finie on descend
Les pensées qui glacent la raison
Paupières baissées, visage gris
Surgissent les fantômes de notre lit
On ouvre le loquet de la grille
Du taudit qu'on appelle maison
protege moi, protege moi.
ok, time for a shower. will be catching babel with D later. ooooh yeah. and i want to watch the queen, pan's labyrinth (trivia: i used to pronounce it as lare-bee-reenth. LOL) and happy birthday. heard it's a good old fashioned love story. about time too, after the influx of weepies where someone is dying from some terminal illness, incestual love triangles or whatever.
c'est la vie!