what makes me deliriously happy
1- a second take from the short (and hunched) but amazingly gorgeous greek-god replica in the canteen.
2- espresso in the morning
3- alcohol at night
4- car rides with the little emperor because he is completely retarded. "fiona i am going to show you a giraffe" halfway down the highway.
5- car rides with the YYYYYs (guys, i say Y5 is cheesy but does the job well. or how about WiFi? :p). because i get my nose tickled by roving feet and get scared shitless by xin's driving.
6- the Grandmother's cooking
and what makes me ridiculously upset
1- incessant phone calls from m and a voicemail from him featuring an angry aussie accent saying that i shouldn't be so childish and i should answer his damned calls. well, fuck you.
2- the food at science park 1.
3- surging crowds
okay will update this when necessary. heh. back to work!