contrary to popular belief,
i don't need anyone to buy me a chanel bag, to dine and wine me at chi-chi places nor jet-set me to far-flung spots on first class.
because i can afford to do that myself.
my needs are simple.
a genuine concern for my well-being. i want to be fussed over and be forced to sit down during one of my impending asthma attacks, instead of a "not again?!!" indignant reaction.
places... forget les amis, forget fullerton hotel. i'd love you even more if you brought me to that rusty swing in the middle of bishan park, the very spot where you first broke your leg after that nasty fall.
trust..i want to be able to give you something without being eyed suspiciously "why are you giving me this?", and vice versa. no, i am not buying you a new shirt because i've done something wrong and this is to make up to you, but because i came across it in zara and i thought it'd look good on you. capisce?
well.. yeah.